Anyone can become a member of Chessie FCU if...
they live, work, worship, attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in Allegany County, Maryland; Garrett County, Maryland; western portion of Washington County, Maryland; Mineral County, West Virginia; Taylor County, West Virginia.
Once you join, all of your family members may also join. The benefits of membership will always be available, even if you relocate, change jobs, and when you retire.
Because we are a cooperative financial association, the needs of our members are always our first concern. Our staff will provide the personal attention you deserve in satisfying your individual financial needs. “People Helping People” is not a catchy slogan with us, it is something we practice on a daily basis.
If you or your company would like information about becoming a member contact us at 1-800-437-1057 or contact us and send us an e-mail.
If your employer is not listed below contact us with your employer name and contact information.
Select Employer Groups
- Abbie Business Institute employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Action Youth Care, Inc. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Advantage Food Product, Inc. employees who work in Petersburg, WV
- Alexander Enterprises employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Ali Ghan Club, Inc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- American Records Mgt. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Andrew Zarick, Jr. M.D. employees who in Walkersville, MD
- Ann Jarvis Elementary School students enrolled
- Antietam Pharmacy employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Architectural Metals, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Atlantic Video employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Ausherman Homes Inc. employees who work in or paid from Frederick, MD
- Automated Packaging System employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Avoir, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- B&O FCU members of record at time of merger
- Bedford Materials Inc. who work in Bedford, PA
- Builders’ Supply&Lumber Co., Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- CableComm Inc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Calvary Assembly of God members and employees
- Camp Home employees of Camp Hope
- Capricorn Pharma, Inc. who work in Frederick, MD
- Carpet Connection employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Cellular One of Cumberland employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Central Assembly of God Church members and employees
- Chenoweth Ford who work in Clarksburg, WV
- Chick-fil-A employees who in Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Christian Music and Book Store employees who in Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- City of Bridgeport, WV employees and elected and appointed officials
- City of Brunswick, MD employees and elected and appointed officials
- City of Frederick, MD employees who work in and paid from Frederick, MD
- City of Grafton, WV employees and elected and appointed officials
- City of Keyser, WV employees and elected and appointed officials
- Cohenterprises, Inc employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Community Care of WV employees
- Credit Bureau of Frederick, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Cresap Automotive Machine employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Crisplant, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Cruise Company employees who work in LaVale, MD
- CSX Transportation employees who work in the Cumberland
- Division, the Monogah Division, & West End Yards of the Baltimore Division, in the Brunswick at Brunswick, MD and those work in the Pittsburgh Division and live in Cumberland, MD
- CSX Transportation(Pittsburgh Division) employees in PA and MD
- CSX Transportation(Cumberland Division) employees of service and inspection contractors permanently assigned to this Division
- Cumberland Cellular Partnership employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Cumberland Counseling Associates employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Cumberland Limousine Service employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Davies Harman Plaza Super Dollar employees who work in Blueville, WV
- Daybreak Adult Daycare Center, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- DebtWorks (Ballenger Group) who work in Frederick, MD
- Developmental Center and Workshop, Inc. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Delaney/Turnbull Assoc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Diesel Institute of American employees who work in Grantsville, MD
- District 16 Volunteer Fire Department members of the N. Branch, Cumberland, MD
- Diversified Business System employees who work in Midlothian, MD
- Document Business System employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Dr. Allan L. Mann, Podiatrist employees who work in Frederick, Brunswick or Mt. Airy, MD
- Dr. John O. Wolfe, DDS employees who work in the Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Dream Machine, Inc. employees who work in the Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Eastalco Aluminum Company employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Eastern Overthrust Drilling, Inc. employees who work in Anmoore, WV
- Emmanuel Alliance Church members and employees
- Fairbanks Printing, Inc. who work in Union Bridge, MD
- Family Resource Centers employees who work in Ripley, WV
- Fellows Plumbing & Heating employees who work in Frederick, MD
- First United Methodist members and employees
- Flowers from Everedy Square employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Formu-3 Weight Loss Centers employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Fountain Primary School student enrolled
- FPC Food Service employees who work in or paid from Frederick, MD
- Frederick County Family YMCA employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Frederick Orthopedic Rehabilitation employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Frederick SportPlex employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Frederick Underwriters, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Frederick Worship Center Church members and employees
- Fredericktowne Printing Services employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Friends Aware, Inc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Frostburg State University Alumni Assoc. Alumni of Frostburg State
- George Construction Co employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Goodfellowship Social Club of Cumbeland, MD
- Gordon’s Jewelers employees who work in the Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Grace Baptist Church members and employees
- Grafton City Hospital employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Hair Impressions employees who work in Mt. Airy, MD
- Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Harris, Smariga & Associates, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Hartz & Company Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Haystack Consolidated Services, Inc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Hepzibah Elementary School students enrolled
- HomeCall employees who work in or paid in Frederick, MD
- Homewood at Crumland Farms who work in Frederick, MD
- Home Mutual Life Insurance Co. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Hospice of Frederick Co. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Hudson Foods, Inc. non-union employees who work in Baltimore, MD
- I.B.A.R., Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Ideal Buick GMC Truck Hyundai who work in Frederick, MD
- Its Only Natural employees who work in Frederick, MD
- J.W. Treuth & Sons, Inc. non-union employees who work in Baltimore, MD
- Jeanne Bussard Center Inc. employees who work in and paid from Frederick, MD
- Jenkins Chrysler South employees who work in LaVale, MD
- JLG Industries, Inc. who work in Bedford, PA.
- John A. Shutta, M.D. employees who work in Walkersville, MD
- John T. Croghan, Inc. employees who work in Clarksburg, WV
- Keyser Lodge #662 qualifying members and employees of the lodge in Keyser, WV
- Keyser Optical Company employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Kroll Chiropractic employees who work in Frostburg, MD
- La Petite Academy employees who work in Frederick, MD
- La Paz Mexican Restaurant employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Ledger Shoppe employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Linton/Tabler, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Lions Manor Nursing Home employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Local #1024 members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jointers of America, in Cumberland, MD
- Local #14638 members of the United Steelwork of America, in Mt. Savage, MD
- Local #15058 members of the United Steelwork of America, in Grafton, WV; who work at the WV Plastic plant in Grafton, WV
- Local #27 members of the United Food and Commercial Workers, in Baltimore, MD
- Local #580 members of the American Federation of Musicians in Clarksburg, WV
- Love’s Way Christian Fellowship members and employees
- Lumber & Things Industries Inc. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- M&M Electric Motor Repair Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- MacTatties Restaurant employees who work in the Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Maryland Midland Railway, Inc. employees who work in Union Bridge, MD
- Matthews Pool & Patio, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Medical Center of Taylor Co. employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Medstar Enterprise employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Memorial City Post #3081 qualifying members of the post -Grafton, WV
- Micro-Integration Corporation employees who work in Friendsville or Cumberland, MD or New Market, NH
- Mid Atlantic Medical Services, Inc.(MAMSI) employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Miller & Mummert Home Improvement employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Mineral County Board of Education employees who work in Mineral County, WV
- Mineral County Chamber of Commerce members of the Chamber of Commerce in Keyser, WV(not-including employees)
- Mineral County Committee on Aging, Inc. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Mineral County Health Department employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Mineral County, WV employees of Mineral Co. who work at the Mineral Co. Court House in Keyser, WV
- Mineral Fabrication & Machine Co. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Moblie Home Village, Inc. employees who work in LaVale, MD
- Mountain Statesman employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Mountaineer Gas employees who work in Keyser or Kingwood, WV
- Mountarie Farm Selbyville, DE.
- Mt. Savage Firebrick employees who work in Frostburg, MD
- National Auto Auction Association employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Naylor’s Hardware employees who work in or are paid from Oakland, MD
- Newlon’s Construction employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Orthopedic Group of Western Maryland, P.A. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Overnite Transportation Co. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Package Corporation of America employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Pecora Engineering Associates employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company employees who work in Clarksburg, WV
- Petersburg Garment Company employees who work in Petersburg, WV
- Phillips Pharmacy employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Pioneer Woodworks, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Plamondon Enterprises employees who work in or are paid from Frederick, MD
- Polish Pines Restaurant & Plaza employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Potomac Highland employees
- Potomac Park United Methodist Church employees and members of the church
- Prichard Industries Inc. employees who work in Arlington, VA
- Pro-stainless Inc. employees who work in Keyser, WV
- Pruntytown Elementary School students enrolled
- Queen City Business System employees who work in LaVale, MD, Johnstown, PA or Morgantown, WV, and who are paid from LaVale, MD
- Record Street Home employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Rest Haven Nursing Home, Inc. employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Rex-Hide Industries, Inc. employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Richard P. Bricken, P.A. employees who work in Frederick or Germantown, MD
- Richard F. Kline who work in Frederick, MD
- Sacred Heart Hospital employees, doctors, medical staff and technicians who work in Cumberland, MD; medical employees of staff doctors of the above hospital
- Santmyire Broadcasting employees
- Saturn of Frederick Md.
- S.B. Thomas Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Science and Technology of Manufacturing employees who work in Thurmont, MD
- Security Alarm Service, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- ServiceMaster Contract Services of Frederick employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Shopco Management Corporation employees who in Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Skidmore Auto Wreckers employees who work in Midlothian, MD
- Spirit Shoppe employees who work in LaVale, MD
- Ramsco Inc employees who work in or paid from Frederick, MD
- St. Christopher Transportation employees who work in Keyser, WV
- St. Moritz Security Services, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Sterling Optical employees who in Country Club Mall in LaVale, MD
- Structural Systems, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Studio 20 Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Stulz Air Technology System Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Superfos Packaging, Inc. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- TNT Service Group Inc. employees who work in or paid from Frederick, MD
- T.S. May & Associates, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Taylor County Board of Education members and employees who work in Taylor County, WV
- Taylor County Chamber of Commerce members and employees
- Taylor County Commission employees who work in Grafton, WV
- Thurmont Cooperative, Inc. employees who work in Thurmont, MD
- Triangle Motors Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Trim Line of Mid-Maryland employees who work in Frederick, MD
- U.S. Postal Service (WV) employees who work in Keyser, WV
- United Ostomy Association, Inc. regular members of the Cumberland Maryland Chapter
- United Optical/Spectera/Optum Heath Vision-Baltimore, Maryland
- W.T. Mills Hair Styling employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Walter Hoffman Realty, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Watson’s Family Restaurant, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Western Maryland Chapter Archeological Society of MD Inc. members in Cumberland, MD
- Western Maryland Health Systems, Cumberland, MD
- Western Maryland Railway Company employees who work in or are paid from Hagerstown, MD, or who work in the Elkins Division, except those who work in Elkins, WV
- Western Maryland Scenic Railway Develpment Corp. employees who work in Cumberland, MD
- Willow Grove Associates, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- Wings Etc. employees who work in or paid from Frederick, MD
- Wise Associates, Inc. employees who work in Frederick, MD
- WTHU 1450 AM Country employees who work in Thurmont, MD